Sunday, July 12, 2015

How To Get Rid of Gophers on Your Lawn?

Practice, patience and definitely the ability to be consistent.  Trapping gophers is a form of art.  It takes practice to really get good at it.  Investing in gopher traps may appear to be the cheapest and reasonable option at first sight.  Track gopher activity by finding moist dirty mounds.  There will be news mounds around your yard soon gradually one after another.  The quicker you put a stop to the gopher the more likely they will not come back.  However, once, one makes a significant underground indentation with holes for means of transportation the more likely other gophers will find these underground tunnels.  In order to catch a gopher, it is important to find the "main hole"; the main hole, is the gopher mound you dig into which has the most amount of tunnels, typically more than three leading to numerous other runways.  This is where your gopher comes up every single night, to travel through, in order to get to different sections in your yard.  The best method to catch gophers after the main hole is exposed is to set up traps in each tunnel leading to it.  Make sure after setting a trap for every runway tunnel leading to that main sector it's important to make sure to cover the mound back up.  Gophers don't see well, therefore, the traps will be conspicuous enough once you set them up underground.  However, gophers and moles especially are very sensitive to light and fresh air because this is there defense mechanism triggering them to cover back up there mound because a predator could have entered into it or opened it up to put the gopher at risk of being eaten.  Once you set traps, cover up the main hole; so that no air or light comes in, you'll most likely catch your gopher by the next day overnight.  If you have any specific questions related to this article or want professional help in the Los Altos area for services that offer to trap gophers at your house comment below!

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